Serve Shot in Badminton: Tips to Dominate the Court

Badminton is a fast-paced and highly technical sport that requires players to have a wide range of skills and techniques. One of the most important shots in badminton is the serve shot, as it sets the tone for the entire game. A good serve shot can give you an advantage over your opponent, while a weak one can put you on the defensive right from the start.

In this blog post, we will delve into the world of serve shots in badminton and explore the techniques used by professional players to master this crucial shot. We will discuss what a serve shot is, how to perform it correctly, and the importance of mastering it. We will also look at some of the techniques used by professional players to perfect their serve shots. So, let’s get started!


A serve shot in badminton is the first shot played in a rally. It is used to start the game or restart it after a point has been scored. The serve shot is played from the back of the court, diagonally across the net to the opponent’s service box. In singles, the serve must land within the boundaries of the service box, while in doubles, it must land in the diagonal half of the court.

The main objective of a serve shot is to gain an advantage over your opponent by placing the shuttlecock in a difficult position for them to return. This could be achieved by serving the shuttlecock with enough speed, accuracy, and spin to make it challenging for your opponent to return. A good serve shot can also set the pace and rhythm of the game, giving you control over the rally.


To perform a serve shot in badminton, you need to follow these steps:

How to Master the Cross Court Net Shot

Step 1: Get into the Right Position

The first step to a good serve shot is getting into the right position. Stand at the back of the court, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your body facing the net. Your non-racket hand should be holding the shuttlecock at waist level, while your racket hand should be holding the racket at the bottom of its grip.

Step 2: Decide on the Type of Serve

There are two types of serve shots in badminton – the high serve and the low serve. The high serve is used to start the game or restart it after a point has been scored. It is played with an underarm action, and the shuttlecock must travel high and deep into the opponent’s court. The low serve, on the other hand, is used to surprise your opponent and catch them off guard. It is played with an overarm action, and the shuttlecock must travel low and close to the net.

Step 3: Execute the Serve Shot

To execute the serve shot, you need to use a combination of wrist, arm, and body movements. For the high serve, hold the shuttlecock slightly above your head and use a flicking motion with your wrist to send it high and deep into the opponent’s court. For the low serve, hold the shuttlecock at waist level and use a swinging motion with your arm to send it low and close to the net.

As you hit the shuttlecock, transfer your weight from your back foot to your front foot, using your body’s momentum to add power to the shot. Make sure to keep your wrist relaxed and use your fingers to control the direction and spin of the shuttlecock.


Mastering the serve shot in badminton takes time, practice, and dedication. It requires players to have a good understanding of the different types of serves, as well as the techniques used to execute them. Here are some tips to help you master the serve shot in badminton:

Tip 1: Practice Consistently

As with any skill, practice makes perfect. To master the serve shot, you need to practice consistently and regularly. Set aside time before or after your training sessions to work on your serve shots. Start by practicing the basic techniques and gradually move on to more advanced ones.

Tip 2: Focus on Accuracy and Placement

A good serve shot is not just about power; it’s also about accuracy and placement. Work on hitting the shuttlecock at the right angle and with the right amount of force to make it difficult for your opponent to return. Aim for the corners of the service box, as this will give you an advantage over your opponent.

Tip 3: Vary Your Serves

To keep your opponent guessing, it’s essential to vary your serves. Use a combination of high and low serves, as well as different types of spin, such as backspin, topspin, and sidespin. This will make it challenging for your opponent to anticipate your next move and give you an edge in the game.

Tip 4: Watch and Learn from Professionals

One of the best ways to improve your serve shot is to watch and learn from professional players. Study their techniques, footwork, and body movements, and try to incorporate them into your own game. You can also attend live matches or watch videos online to observe how professionals execute their serve shots.


Mastering the Serve Shot in Badminton Techniques Used by Professionals

A good serve shot is crucial in badminton for several reasons:

Sets the Tone for the Game

The serve shot is the first shot played in a rally, and it sets the tone for the entire game. A strong and well-executed serve shot can give you an advantage over your opponent and put them on the defensive right from the start.

Controls the Pace and Rhythm of the Game

A good serve shot can also control the pace and rhythm of the game. By varying your serves, you can dictate the speed and direction of the rally, making it difficult for your opponent to anticipate your shots.

Creates Opportunities for Attack

A well-placed serve shot can create opportunities for attack. By forcing your opponent to return a difficult serve, you can set yourself up for a powerful attacking shot and potentially win the point.

Builds Confidence and Mental Strength

Mastering the serve shot in badminton requires a lot of practice and dedication. As you improve your serve shot, you will also build confidence and mental strength, which are essential qualities for any successful badminton player.


Mastering the Serve Shot in Badminton Techniques Used by Professionals

Professional badminton players use a variety of techniques to master their serve shots. Here are some of the most common techniques used by professionals:

Technique 1: Flick Serve

The flick serve is a high serve that travels deep into the opponent’s court. It is played with an underarm action, using a flicking motion with the wrist to send the shuttlecock high and far. This technique requires a lot of power and accuracy and is often used to surprise opponents and catch them off guard.

How to Execute a Flick Serve

  1. Stand at the back of the court with your feet shoulder-width apart and your body facing the net.
  2. Hold the shuttlecock slightly above your head with your non-racket hand.
  3. Use a flicking motion with your wrist to send the shuttlecock high and deep into the opponent’s court.
  4. Transfer your weight from your back foot to your front foot as you hit the shuttlecock.
  5. Keep your wrist relaxed and use your fingers to control the direction and spin of the shuttlecock.

Tips for a Successful Flick Serve

  • Use your non-racket hand to disguise the direction of your serve.
  • Keep your wrist relaxed and use your fingers to add power and spin to the shuttlecock.
  • Aim for the corners of the service box to make it difficult for your opponent to return.

Technique 2: Drive Serve

The drive serve is a low serve that travels close to the net. It is played with an overarm action, using a swinging motion with the arm to send the shuttlecock low and fast. This technique requires a lot of control and accuracy and is often used to surprise opponents and catch them off guard.

How to Execute a Drive Serve

  1. Stand at the back of the court with your feet shoulder-width apart and your body facing the net.
  2. Hold the shuttlecock at waist level with your non-racket hand.
  3. Use a swinging motion with your arm to send the shuttlecock low and close to the net.
  4. Transfer your weight from your back foot to your front foot as you hit the shuttlecock.
  5. Keep your wrist relaxed and use your fingers to control the direction and spin of the shuttlecock.

Tips for a Successful Drive Serve

  • Use your non-racket hand to disguise the direction of your serve.
  • Keep your wrist relaxed and use your fingers to add power and spin to the shuttlecock.
  • Aim for the corners of the service box to make it difficult for your opponent to return.

Technique 3: Short Serve

The short serve is a low serve that lands just over the net. It is played with an overarm action, using a swinging motion with the arm to send the shuttlecock low and close to the net. This technique requires a lot of control and accuracy and is often used to surprise opponents and catch them off guard.

How to Execute a Short Serve

  1. Stand at the back of the court with your feet shoulder-width apart and your body facing the net.
  2. Hold the shuttlecock at waist level with your non-racket hand.
  3. Use a swinging motion with your arm to send the shuttlecock low and close to the net.
  4. Transfer your weight from your back foot to your front foot as you hit the shuttlecock.
  5. Keep your wrist relaxed and use your fingers to control the direction and spin of the shuttlecock.

Tips for a Successful Short Serve

  • Use your non-racket hand to disguise the direction of your serve.
  • Keep your wrist relaxed and use your fingers to add power and spin to the shuttlecock.
  • Aim for the area just over the net to make it difficult for your opponent to return.


The serve shot is a crucial shot in badminton that can give players an advantage over their opponents. To master this shot, players need to have a good understanding of the different types of serves and the techniques used to execute them. By practicing consistently and learning from professional players, anyone can improve their serve shot and take their game to the next level. So, keep practicing, stay focused, and remember to have fun on the court!

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